Ryan Lanham

Position: Cosmic Coach | Gene Keys Guide
Categories: Astrology, Coaching
Location: Colorado, Online

My greatest passion is to help others open their hearts to more love and to discover their unique gifts in this life. As a Cosmic Coach, we look at an individual’s map of conscious that was imprinted at birth through the lenses of astrology and Gene Keys. From there, we begin to identify limiting patterns and beliefs, and I offer practical solutions to life’s challenges.

I also lead groups and individuals through the various Gene Keys sequences, with a particular focus on the Venus Sequence which is a deep dive into our childhood wounding. This can be a somewhat intense shadow work journey, but it is one of the most effective modalities I’ve come across for opening the heart to more love. And for me, there is no greater prize in life than an unconditionally loving heart.

I also host an all-levels Gene Keys Meetup. Grab your profile and join us for an informal discussion: https://www.meetup.com/gene-keys-community/

All of my services are offered on a Pay What You Want scale. I can be reached at www.ryanlanhamcoaching.com