
Saturday, May 24th, 2025

Sunday, May 25th, 2025


11am – 5pm Each Day


Stanley Marketplace

2501 Dallas St. Aurora CO 80010

The Divine Time Metaphysical Weekend

at Stanley Marketplace

Ready to get the answers you seek? Would you like a place to explore many different metaphysical offerings and people?

Well we have the Divine Time for you! Join us Saturday May 24th and Sunday May 25th for our second Divine Time Metaphysical Weekend! We’ll have a huge selection of spiritual professionals ready to do readings, energy work, and offerings for you!

Whether you’d like to get a photo of your aura, see what the tarot cards have to say, or experience your first Reiki session we have you covered AND we’re doing it at the coolest venue EVER! Stanley Marketplace is full of fabulous shops, restaurants, and social spaces for you to explore while you’re waiting for your next session!

Every practitioner chosen for the Divine Time has been vetted by the Awkwardly Zen Lead Team to ensure the utmost integrity and quality. Watch for a full list of participants coming soon.  This is a free access event and sessions with our practitioners will be priced between $20 and $35 dollars. Make sure you get your free entry in at the Awkwardly Zen Main Table for a variety of door prizes and grab another entry for each reading or session you complete with our practitioners! (Prizes will be drawn at the end of the event time and emails will be sent out to the winners)


List of Practitioners - Coming Soon!

Stay in the loop! Sign up to receive updates, exciting announcements, and a complete list of practitioners as they’re revealed. Don’t miss any news about our fair – enter your details below!

The Divine Time 2025 Request for Information
Disclaimer: This service is for entertainment purposes only and is intended for use by adults 18 years of age or older.  This event and its hosts make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information provided. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings provided are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this event at any time. This service is not intended to address any medical, emotional, and/or legal issues. It is for entertainment purposes only. You should, therefore, consult a medical care, mental health care or legal professional for any physical, emotional and/or legal issues that need professional attention.