While our number one focus at Awkwardly Zen is to create a safe place for your spiritual path, we also LOVE supporting our trusted partners. Below is a list of our current friends and a little about what they do.  Meet our partners by clicking on their images below. Please let them know that Awkwardly Zen sent you if you connect with them. 

Beth Ward

Position: Professional Channeler
Email: bethchanneling@gmail.com
Categories: Artist, Channeling, Coaching, Consultant, Meditation
Location: Tennessee
Beth has communicated with ETs her entire life; they’re part of her earliest and most loving memories. She quietly used these experiences and connection to higher realms to help her navigate life, taking comfort in the unconditionally loving perspectives ETs offer. As she sensed our planet moving toward more conscious ET contact, she has been excited to share these higher dimensional connections with others. Through this process she discovered a passion and natural talent for channeling and feels deeply honored to work with people in this way. Beth channels ETs from many different dimensions, and often in her channeling sessions other higher-dimensional beings also join, such as Ascended Masters, Archangels, and soul collectives. Beth also offers interactive classes, events, and mentorship. Book with me at www.bethwardchanneling.com Love and Light Members get 20% off; Level Up Members+ get 35% off!

Beth Ward

Professional Channeler
AZ Partner Lisa Eleni Nelson

Lisa Eleni Nelson

Position: Heartistry and Herbs with Lisa Eleni
Email: lisa@lisaeleni.com
Categories: Artist, Healer, Herbs, Meditation
Location: Colorado, Online

Lisa Eleni is an international best-selling author, spiritual artist and healer, intuitive tree reader, Mind-Body-Spirit practitioner and student of Shamanism. She is the founder of Heartistry and Herbs, which focuses on empowering women by creating a safe space of love, support, and healing through meditation, art, journaling, herbs, oils and sprays and other several self-awareness techniques. Lisa also hosts holds monthly intentional woman’s artshops were we create a specific craft for the month. We set our intentions based on the monthly theme, and our creations hold the energy and remind us to keep moving toward our goals. Lisa also has various retreats for like-minded people to befriend and support each other. Her passion is encouraging women who desire a more joy-filled life and who want to live authentically. Lisa resides in Colorado.

For more inspiration and the latest information on artshops and new publications Find out more: lisa@lisaeleni.com

AZ Partner Lisa Eleni Nelson

Lisa Eleni Nelson

Heartistry and Herbs with Lisa Eleni

Rowan Wolfe

Position: Tarot and Oracle Reader | Intuitive Artist | Dragon Energy Channel
Email: rowanjwolfe@gmail.com
Categories: Artist, Channeling, Oracle, Tarot
Location: Colorado, Online

Hello! My name is Rowan (she/they) and I’m looking forward to meeting you!

While I am primarily a tarot and oracle card reader, I am also able to tap into the Dragon realm to see what messages these wise and intelligent beings have for you. I’ve always been drawn to dragons ever since I was a child, and I was unironically very surprised to find (or rather, remember) they were real when they stepped back into my awareness later in my spiritual journey! Dragon energy has been with the Earth long before humans were even a thought in the universe, and this primordial, loving, and powerful energy of creation has forever changed my life in the most supportive way possible, and I would love to share my gift with you.

If you would like a Tarot reading, we can tap into your spirit team and pull cards to see what messages they have for you. If you would like a Dragon reading, you can expect a mix of Tarot, Oracle, and Channeled messages from the dragons.

I am also an intuitive artist and I use my art as a way to channel and bring messages from the spirit realm into the physical world.

Rowan Wolfe

Tarot and Oracle Reader | Intuitive Artist | Dragon Energy Channel
Sophia Cocas Psychic

Sophia Cocas

Position: Energy Alchemist | Tarot & Oracle Reader | Spiritual Life Strategist
Email: luminouslypiqued@gmail.com
Categories: Artist, Healer, Oracle, Tarot
Location: Colorado

Welcome! I am Sophia the Magician, an Energy Alchemist, a mother, daughter, wife, sister, creative, scholar, and professional jack of all trades!

Always faithful to the mystical, and keen to the wisdom life has to offer, I am a Spiritual life strategist, naturally empowering divine humans to grapple with the emotions of life.

As an intuitive healer and transcendent oracle, together, we can identify the energies of Grace and Chaos in your situation, Infusing the present moment with a Smile, Inspiring you to Think, Imagine, and Believe, Leaving you Luminously Piqued, Enjoy!

Sophia Cocas Psychic

Sophia Cocas

Energy Alchemist | Tarot & Oracle Reader | Spiritual Life Strategist
AZ Partner Stephanie Gray

Stephanie Gray

Position: Process Art | Creative Transmutation
Email: stephsgray10@gmail.com
Categories: Artist
Location: Missouri

Inside Out Studio

  • Are you looking for a way to transmute fear, grief, anger or stuck energy?
  • Would you like creative support and assistance in aligning with your authentic Self or connecting with your team of light?
  • Would you like to be more creative but don’t know where to start?
Hi! I’m Stephanie and I am a Creative Transformation Guide and I am passionate about using the creative process to assist others in finding their own wisdom and power
 so that they may live a more conscious/aligned  life.
I believe now more than ever as we navigate many global (and personal) paradigm shifts, creativity is vital and can be used as a tool to tap into our most authentic self. Every single one of us is born with a creative spark nestled within. That doesn’t mean we will all be artists selling our creations in galleries or writing novels. What it does mean is we ALL have the capability to create. WE ARE CREATORS.
When we work together, I use process art, writing prompts, somatic movement and intuition to move us forward on a path that will help you to uncover your unique wisdom and power.
Let’s create together and transform ourselves and the world from the inside out!
AZ Partner Stephanie Gray

Stephanie Gray

Process Art | Creative Transmutation
Tim Behrens - Reiki

Tim Behrens

Position: Reiki Practitioner | Facilitator | Designer | Artist | Musician
Email: timbehrens@gmail.com
Categories: Artist, Reiki
Location: Kansas

I am grateful to be a part of the AZ Community, to have opportunities to learn and share with other practitioners and spiritual travelers.

I have a background in IT, website design, graphic design.  I am a moderator for AZ, an Authentic Relating Facilitator in training, a Reiki practitioner, podcaster, an artist and musician who values creative process as a tool for personal and spiritual development.  In 2018, I had an awakening experience that led to many shifts and a strong desire to be in community, both to seek support and to offer what I can to those who are navigating similar shifts.

Tim Behrens - Reiki

Tim Behrens

Reiki Practitioner | Facilitator | Designer | Artist | Musician

Valorie Lewis

Position: Psychic | Channel | Intuitive Card Readings | Interstellar Communicator | Spiritual Teacher | Intuitive Life Coaching
Email: goddesswithanattitudekc@gmail.com
Categories: Artist, Channeling, Coaching, Energy Worker, Meditation, Medium, Psychic, Tarot, Teacher
Location: Kansas, Missouri

Goddess With An Attitude | Tarot, Unicorns & Coffee

I aspire to inspire! My passion is to inspire others to utilize their powers as creators to create life on their terms, rather than just react to what is already manifested. I provide guidance to support others on their spiritual & life journeys. I especially enjoy helping women align with divine feminine energy and embrace their Goddess Power.

I am a speaker, author & certified psychic life coach. I provide intuitive card readings, guided meditations, teach about the Law of Attraction and host several spiritually based online events.

Valorie Lewis

Psychic | Channel | Intuitive Card Readings | Interstellar Communicator | Spiritual Teacher | Intuitive Life Coaching